jeudi 22 avril 2010

Family Recipe: Creamed Peas on Toast

Okay, this sounds disgusting but it is delicious. My mum, who grew up in Australia (for a time), tells me that everything can be eaten on toast. This recipe is really simple and quick. I don't know if I believe in comfort food but I think this is definitely of that category.

All you do is make a white sauce by creaming together 1/2 stick butter and 2 tablespoons flour in a saucepan until blended. Then add milk (about 1-2 cups?), salt, and pepper. Whisk constantly until boiled/thickened. Add frozen peas and (optional, but nummy) hard-boiled eggs cut into chunks. Serve on wheat toast.

This recipe seriously takes about 10 minutes, especially if the eggs are boiled ahead of time. Hence it is the quickest meal I know how to make which is actually healthy for you (I think.) The more peas the better.

dimanche 18 avril 2010


Sideburns on women. Why isn't this more fashionable? Than it already is, I mean. I myself am unable to grow anything substantial. However, I think any woman who can grow natural sideburns should! Girls, these are sexy. Get on it!

vendredi 16 avril 2010

Most interesting volunteer opportunity in Seattle...

I REALLY want to do this one...please? I want to catalog spider carcasses! Because I don't volunteer my time for causes that actually help humanity. no. This is a MUCH more important way to make a difference. And I'd be able to tell people what spiders are dangerous, which ones air-travelled to Seattle from foreign places, and I would know all of the Latin names for the spiders! Come, on! I will definitely be doing this sometime in the future...

Job Title: Spider Collection Assistant

Description: The main task of this volunteer position is labeling, filling, stoppering, and installing vials of preserved spiders but it's really varied with all sorts of clerical, packing/unpacking, and miscellaneous tasks. Some biology background is a plus but the only real requirement is for a careful and precise worker with some interest in the subject who is willing to work in the basement! Participation in field trips is possible if the person is interested, but not required.

Also: If anyone out there is experienced in mounting butterflies, we could use you, too!

Contact: If interested, please contact the Burke by phone at (206) 543-7907 or by e-mail at

jeudi 15 avril 2010

The Code: How to Assist Someone with their Coat

I am delighted whenever I see someone recieving assistance with their coat. In my opinion, this is a beautiful, forgotten art. I think for a gentleman especially, offering to assist someone with their coat is such a charming social grace! In social moments it does wonders to the whole atmosphere, letting the other person feel respected and accepted. It also allows the coated person a moment to graciously accept the attention. I couldn't resist checking online to see if Emily Post had anything to say about the matter and she says: "Anyone having trouble putting on a coat should receive help, regardless of gender." While I'm surprised I couldn't find anything further on the subject, I hadn't even thought of the dangers involved in forgetting to assist someone with their coat! Now I realize, this is a very important etiquette that should be adhered to at all times to prevent alarming scenarios. I hope to spot more opportunities in the future to assist anyone I can. Anyways, I love this scene from The Shop Around the Corner, the 1940s classic, which is full of deliciou nonverbal communication: Note the initial spotting of the coat, the pass, the prepping of the coat, the insertion of each arm, the draping, and even the smoothing of the collar at the finish. Such careful attentions! Well done, gentleman.